Mr. Hawkins Class
Adaptive Curriculum   |   Gaggle

Ecological Succession Comic Strip

Class, today you will create 2 comic strips about ecological succession. Remember, ecological succession describes the orderly way in which communities in an ecosystem change over time. There are 2 types of ecological succession:
Primary Succession - starts from the rocks
Secondary Succession - starts from the soil

Both Primary Succession and Secondary Succession go the same direction: SMALL to BIG.

Your assignment is to create 2 comic strips: 1 for primary succession and 1 for secondary succession.

To get started, download this file and save it to the computer.
File Size: 70 kb
File Type: pub
Download File

Once you've clicked the download file above, this window will pop up. Make sure you have Open with Microsoft Office Publisher selected and press OK.

This will open up your file in a program called Microsoft Publisher. I have already created the comic strip frames in this program for you. 

There are 2 comic strips. One strip is for primary succession. The other is for secondary succession. It is up to YOU to figure out which comic strip goes to which type of succession. Make sure you replace the ??? marks with the appropriate name of succession. Also, where it says "By:" make sure you include your name.

In the large frames, you will copy and paste the appropriate picture that goes in that frame from the Internet.

For example, if I wanted a picture of a shrub in one of my frames, I would...
1. Go to Google and type in "shrub". 
2. I would find a picture I wanted and click on it. 
3. Then I would click the "Full-size image" link.
4. Now, right-click on the image and select "Copy image"
5. Go to your Publisher file and paste the image.
6. Now, move the image to where you want it and resize it to fit the space you want.

Underneath the large frames, you will notice there are smaller frames with labels like Stage 1, Stage 2, etc. You need to replace these with the correct name of what goes in that stage. In the example on the left, you will notice I typed in Rocks in one of the boxes. 

Go through and complete the rest of the comic strip.


Saving your file

To save your file, go to the File menu and select the Save As... option.

In the box that opens, press the My Computer button.

Then find the folder that has your Student ID number on it and double-click it.

Save your file inside this folder and call it "YOURNAME-EcologicalSuccession" then press Save.